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Module: processTargets/modifiers/surroundingPair/findOppositeDelimiter



findOppositeDelimiter(delimiterOccurrences, index, delimiterInfo, forceDirection): DelimiterOccurrence | null

Given a delimiter, scans in the appropriate direction for a matching opposite delimiter. If we don't know which direction the delimiter is facing (eg for a "), we first scan right, then left if nothing is found to the right. This algorithm will get confused in text files, but keep in mind that for languages with a parse tree, the delimiter occurrence will usually know which direction it is based on where it sits in the parse tree. That information will be reflected on the IndividualDelimiter itself.


delimiterOccurrencesPossibleDelimiterOccurrence[]A list of delimiter occurrences. Expected to be sorted by offsets
indexnumberThe index of the delimiter whose opposite we're looking for
delimiterInfoIndividualDelimiterThe delimiter info for the delimiter occurrence at the given index. Just passed through for efficiency rather than having to look it up again. Equivalent to delimiterOccurrences[index].delimiterInfo
forceDirectionundefined | "left" | "right"-


DelimiterOccurrence | null

The opposite delimiter, if found; otherwise null

Defined in
